Mar 1Liked by Piercello

Hello, Matt! I've been following your writings although I don't always have time to wrap my head around them. This post is a notch above if judged by the fact that I quickly and easily followed the line of thought and even have ideas where to take it. That's not unimportant since solving our problems requires bringing a large number of people on board.

It does remind me a little of the introduction to Edward De Bono's Six Thinking Hats. Are you familiar with his writings?

Glad you're still playing cello. The world needs more cello.

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Thank you Rebecca! Writing (for me) is an impressively compressive act, in which I attempt to squeeze my native massively lateral musical thinking style into a linear flow. Often, the result is an illegible mess, either too convoluted or too chopped up, but (like Casals) I like to think I am getting better with practice. Thank you for the compliment!

I'll check out that author, thanks. More cello is coming as soon as I learn some basic video editing skills, so watch for that too.

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